MSWS: When did you first begin playing the Battlefield series and what was it that caught your interest?
MSWS: What's the story behind the name you chose to use in game?
STEALTH: Well I used to be Stealth_S in Tribes and was hoping to get that name. When I tried to register it said that that nick was already tied to a gamespy account. This really pissed me off because it was MY gamespy account but was linked to an old no longer used e-mail address and could not be recovered. So I tried Stelath S, Stealth.S, Stealth-S, ect but nothing would take so in anger I typed Stealth_mofo and it took it. Doh.. Turned out alright, I like when people try to type something about those dam MOFOs on a server with the profanity filter enabled and it comes out ^*(&@^, which pisses them off even more.
Bros before hoes. Wait, that came out wrong.. I actually like hoes but they don’t hold up in battle too well, first t-bag they get and they end up looking like the Joker pretty quick.
10 dollars, hmmmm...what a delimma...
Do you go with the grilled smoked salmon special?
Or will it be a hoe for these bros?
MSWS: What is your favorite kit to play and why?Do you go with the grilled smoked salmon special?
Or will it be a hoe for these bros?
STEALTH: I play different kits on different maps depending on what the current situation calls for. I do enjoy Engineer a lot and try to drop 6 mines on most maps right away even if I don’t plan on playing that kit on that map. With over 2000 mine kills you can tell Stealth likes his pizza deliveries!
STEALTH: This is a tough one. Sooo many good maps, in BF2 anyways. BFBC2, not so much. I miss the huge 64 player maps from BF2. I would have to say Operation Road Rage was one of my favorites. It was fast moving, easy to get around and had attack helis, mini birds and the A-10. What more do you want? Operation Harvest would be up there as well..
BF2 - Operation Road Rage
MSWS: What weapon, old or new, do you wish you could add to the current BFBC2 game.
STEALTH: The FAMAS was by far the most accurate weapon, the jackhammer was an amusing weapon that I often miss. So one of those I guess, although I would settle for a knife that actually works more than 20% of the time.
Hammer Time!
MSWS: What's your favorite pin you hope to see in the personal stats at the end of a game round?
STEALTH: I guess it would be the ACE pin. I miss the star system from BF2, at least then when Jim played I could still take home something. Can you make me a, “living in Jim_Reapers shadow” pin?
Jim's Ace Pin (left), Living in Jim's Shadow Pin (right)
MSWS: From what you have seen of the BF3 previews, what are you looking forward to the most with the new release later this year?
STEALTH: Bigger maps, better graphics and a working hit reg.
I find your lack of faith disturbing...
MSWS: What helpful tip would you give someone to help them improve their game play.
STEALTH: Play as a team, help your squad, do not leave your wingman. Hugging a pine tree to randomly snipe people 200+ meters away is pointless in an online multiplayer game. And no Don, you are not helping!
Stealth, is this what you ment by play as a team?
MSWS: Do you have a favorite moment or funny experience in Battlefield you would like to share?
STEALTH: Don screaming at a person he just killed, “Do you want my bullet?” over and over. Don saying, “Spawn on me if you want to live”. I think he was like 4-18 at the time. Basically, Don. He is hilarious and the best hacker finder anywhere.
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