Monday, December 24, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Small Arms Fire
Subject: Fwd: New Microchip
The implant is specifically designed to be injected in the forehead.
When properly installed, it will allow the terrorist to speak to God.
It comes in various sizes: Generally from ..223 to .50 cal.
The exact size of the implant will be selected by a well-trained and highly skilled technician, who will also make the injection.
No Anesthetic is required.
The implant may or may not be painless. Side effects, like headaches, nausea, aches and pains are extremely temporary.
Some bleeding or swelling may occur at the injection site. In most cases, you won't even notice it.
Please enjoy the security we provide for you.
Best regards,
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Killing Big Bird (Not the Romney way, the BF3 way)
Well, here is another one of those insane videos.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Jet Switch
OK, I call bullshit on this. The guy gets shot out of his jet, snipes the pilot who killed him and takes his jet!
For your consideration.
For your consideration.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Milk Carton Role Call
The Milk Carton count is reaching Epic Fail status.
Reaper has a pulled groin in his finger.
Maxx has gone to Barney Land.
Klesk has joined the Occupy Ranks.
Loken is out to save the Painted Figures world.
Thrasher is keeping the Peace at home.
StrongHarm has gone Plum Loco!!!!!!!
Arizona is working to dam much. And Cali hours!!!
Stealth is paying to much for Booze, and moonlighting at Cosco's.
And Me, I am trying to Win a Dam GunMaster!!!!!!
Reaper has a pulled groin in his finger.
Maxx has gone to Barney Land.
Klesk has joined the Occupy Ranks.
Loken is out to save the Painted Figures world.
Thrasher is keeping the Peace at home.
StrongHarm has gone Plum Loco!!!!!!!
Arizona is working to dam much. And Cali hours!!!
Stealth is paying to much for Booze, and moonlighting at Cosco's.
And Me, I am trying to Win a Dam GunMaster!!!!!!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Remove =CKW= Snort Coke, Club A Seal, from your favorite servers list
They don't like teams playing together. Please don't play on this server anymore.
They don't like teams playing together. Please don't play on this server anymore.
_mofo Do you know your weapons
Episode 5 by AZsithlord_mofo
blatantly copied from
"Multifunction, ass whooping goodness
the grenade launcher just like a shotgun...but with a lot more BOOM. My service time allowed me to play with the US standard in Portable Launchers the M203, easy to use and easy to shoot with a small learning curve to guess your arc, you could put one of these rounds thru a window at 50-75 yards or better. And clear a room with out stepping on the lawn.
Now when they started putting out the MK19 mod 1, oh my good gravy not only did your reach extend to 300+ meters but your rate of fire became stupid averaging 350-400 rounds per min, you literally brought the rain down on your target. both weapons came with a selection of rounds made for wrecking troops to hurting tanks, smoke for cover, illum for sight, even non lethal(really?!).
the newer "toys" (like the Milkor MGL Mk.1 40mm grenade launcher, and the XM307 ACSW Advanced Crew-Served Weapon / automatic grenade launcher from BFBC2) coming out make even these battlefield veterans pale in lethality. oh well bigger smarter and better."
Grenade launchers
Single shot and under-barrel grenade launchers
Automatic grenade launchers
Anti-tank grenade launchers
Basically, the grenade
launcher is a weapon which fires a grenade – a small shell, filled with high
explosive or other agent, such as tear gas for less lethal application, bright
burning compound for illumination purposes, incendiary filling etc. Of course,
in most cases the grenade also must be fitted with a fuse, and with a safety, to
avoid damage to the grenadier or handler. The simplest way to use the grenade is
to throw it by hand; but the effective range and maximum weight of hand grenades
is severely limited; so, at the earliest stages of the development of firearms,
many armies used so called “hand mortars” – basically, the smooth bore muskets
with short barrel of very large caliber, which was used to fire standard
grenades at ranges beyond the limits of human throwing ability. During the First
World War most nations started to use so called “rifle grenade launchers”. These
launchers in fact were add-ons to standard issue military rifles, usually in the
shape of a cup, attached to the muzzle of the rifle. A grenade was placed into
this cup, primed, the rifle aimed toward the enemy, and then the grenade was
launched using a special blank cartridge. This system, while enhancing the
combat capabilities of infantry soldiers, has several drawbacks – for example in
many cases the attached launching cup blocked the line of sight for the
German Mauser K98k
carbine (WW2 period) with attached cup-shaped grenade launcher.
There was another type of rifle grenade, which
did not require any attachment to the rifle – instead, this system relied on a
special thin rod, attached to a grenade as a tail. This rod was inserted into
the bore of the rifle, and the grenade was launched using a blank cartridge. In
either case, an attempt to fire the grenade with a standard round of riffle
ammunition was disastrous to both weapon and the shooter. Most modern rifle
grenade launchers got rid of both the cup launchers and rods attached to the
grenade. Instead, these are just specially shaped muzzle devices, often also
combined with flash hiders; the tail (rear) part of the grenade is shaped as a
tube, which is slipped over the muzzle of the rifle. Also, most modern types of
rifle grenade launchers use standard ammunition, and either trap the bullet and
use its energy to project the grenade (helpfully known as the 'bullet trap'
type) or have a hole down the center through which the bullet escapes (the
'bullet through' type), and use the gun gas expanding from the muzzle as a
propellant. The latter loses something in energy, but gains through not having
to switch the gas operation valve to 'closed' first.
The key problem with a
rifle grenade is that when ready to fire, it effectively blocks the standard
operation of the rifle. That means that if the shooter with a grenade in place
has to fire his rifle in an emergency (e.g., if an enemy pops out in front of
him), he should first either remove or launch the grenade, which will take time
and may cost him his life.
French soldier
aims with the rifle grenade, mounted to the barrel of the FAMAS assault
Modern Yugoslavian
rifle grenade, ready to be fired from the muzzle of Zastava M70 assault
To solve this problem, many countries developed
and adopted so called “underbarrel grenade launchers”. Unlike the rifle grenade
launchers, which are just attachments to the standard rifle, an under barrel
launcher is a complete weapon, with its own barrel, trigger / firing unit,
safety, and often its own sights. The infantry [assault] rifle is used only as a
host firearm, providing the stock for the grenade launcher. First developed
between the wars in Italy and Japan, the under barrel launchers appeared in their
modern shape in the late 1960s, both in the USA and in the USSR. The under barrel
launchers do not block the rifle, but add a significant penalty in the bulk and
weight of the combined weapon. Also, typical grenades for under barrel launchers
have warheads much smaller in size and weight, limiting their effectiveness
against the targets (but increasing the number of grenades a soldier can carry
with him).
American soldier
aims with the M4 carbine, combined with M203 under barrel grenade
A variety of 40mm
grenades for NATO-standard grenade launchers.
Soviet-made AK-74 assault rifle with
GP-25 40mm under barrel grenade launcher.
The actual choice of the type of grenade launcher
varies – some countries, most notably the USA and the former USSR/Russia, stuck
completely with under barrel grenade launchers, some others, like Belgium or
France, seemed to prefer rifle launcher type, while many other countries, such
as Germany, produced both types of weapon,.

The post-war period saw a short
period of renaissance of the stand-alone grenade launchers, similar in basic
idea to the “hand mortars” mentioned above. First these were re-introduced in
service by the Germans during WW2, as the “kampfpistole” – a modified flare
launcher, fitted with a rifled barrel and a detachable shoulder stock, and
firing various types of grenades. In the postwar period, several countries
developed single-shot, shoulder-fired grenade launchers, usually of 40mm
caliber, which actually preceded the modern under barrel grenade launchers and
used the same types of ammunition. The most famous of these is probably the US
M79 “thumper”, widely used during the Vietnam War. The key problem with these
weapons was that they required the grenadier to carry some sort of personal
defense firearm in addition to the grenade launcher, such as a pistol,
submachine gun or rifle. Latter on, several countries produced multi-shot
versions of stand-alone shoulder fired grenade launchers, usually in the form of
a large revolver, or a pump-operated rifle with a tubular magazine. Military
users mostly replaced these weapons with under barrel grenade launchers, and
stand-alone launchers are mostly used either by special operations forces or by
police forces, which employ the launchers for less-lethal anti-riot
applications, firing tear gas canisters and baton rounds (rubber projectiles or
German HK69 40mm
single-shot grenade launcher.
Russian GM-94
43mm multi-shot grenade launcher (with tubular magazine above the
Drawing of a
future multi-shot 40mm SAAB-Bofors AGR grenade launcher with computerized sight
and time-fuzed grenades.
The most recent trend in this field is the
development of time-fuzed grenades in conjunction with a fire control computer,
mounted on the rifle and coupled with the sights. This unit incorporates a laser
rangefinder, a ballistic computer and a means for programming the warhead before
the shot. Before firing, the shooter determines the range to the target using
the laser rangefinder, and the computer automatically corrects the sights to
achieve the appropriate trajectory and presets the time fuze, so the warhead
will explode when it reaches the target. This allows the engagement of targets
'in defilade' (i.e. when they are hiding behind cover) by using air-burst
fragmentation warheads. At the present time there are several projects that
attempt to achieve such an effect, including the American XM-29 OICW system and
French PAPOP. The Belgian F2000GL system offers a less costly alternative, with
non-programmable grenades but with an electronic sighting unit which allows much
more accurate long-range fire.
The key targets for rifle and under barrel
grenade launchers are enemy targets of the “soft” type – infantry, light
entrenchments, unarmored or lightly armored vehicles etc. Most tanks developed
during the Second World War and since are usually far too strong to be disabled
with the relatively small amount of explosive carried in a typical grenade.
Automatic grenade launchers
US troops with
Mk.19 mod.3 automatic grenade launcher.
It is generally believed that first automatic
grenade launchers were developed in USA by mid-1960s, following the US
involvement in the Vietnam war. These weapons were developed by US Navy and
several military contractors to provide troops with close to medium range
support and area suppression weapons, effective against enemy infantry and light
structures. These weapons were light and compact enough to be installed on
riverine crafts, combat helicopters, jeeps, and on light infantry mounts
(tripods). What is generally not known is the fact that very similar weapons
were developed and tested in USSR prior to WW2, in around 1935-38. There were
several designs of such weapons, but most developed of these was the 40,6mm
automatic grenade launcher designed by Taubin. This magazine-fed, selective
fired weapon was developed as a more versatile alternative to the 50mm mortar;
it fired 40,6mm fragmentation grenade (based on standard issue 40,6mm Dyakonov
rifle grenade M1930) in either direct and indirect fire modes. However, changes
in General Staff of Red Army following Stalin's repressions of 1937-39 resulted
in withdrawal of Army support to this project, and Taubin grenade launcher never
went past prototype stages. The Taubin itself has been arrested, tried on false
accusations, found guilty and later executed.
Soviet Taubin
40,6mm automatic grenade launcher on field trials, circa 1938.
Two view drawing
of American Mk.18 mod.0 grenade launcher (1962), one of the first such weapons
to be developed and used in combat in S-E Asia. Unlike most successors, this was
not truly automatic, as it fired via hand-crank located at the right side of
the receiver.
For several decades the automatic grenade
launcher concept in USSR was completely suppressed by light mortar concept, and
it was Vietnam war that brought these weapons back to consideration of Soviet
army. Soviet Army got its new automatic grenade launchers in about five years
later than Americans; while Soviet and Russian 30mm weapons are somewhat less
versatile because of narrower selection of available ammunition types, these
weapons also significantly lighter than their Western counterparts. During 1980s
and 1990s, several other nations began to develop and manufacture their own
grenade launchers, chambered either for NATO-standard 40mm High Velocity
ammunition of US origin, or for 30mm Soviet ammunition. However, by late 1980s
Chinese developed their own grenade ammunition of 35mm caliber, and later
produced a lightweight, one man-portable weapon of indigenous design. This
launcher, initially known as W87, is very mobile but lacks suppressive firepower
because of smaller capacity magazines (maximum magazine capacity 12 or 15 rounds
as opposed to 30 to 40 round belt capacity of Soviet and Western weapons).
Chinese soldier
fires an early version of the 35mm W87 automatic grenade launcher, fitted with
drum magazine.
40mm CIS 40GL
automatic grenade launcher, made in Singapore; it is installed on some infantry
combat vehicle.
Current grenade launchers usually provide both
direct and indirect fire capabilities with maximum effective range against point
targets being about 800 to 1500 meters, and maximum possible range against area
targets up to 2200 meters. Typical anti-personnel grenade weights around 250 g
(complete round weight usually about 300 g, muzzle velocity about 180 to 240
m/s); such grenade carries about 30 g of high explosive and provides kill zone
with radius of up to 5-7 meters (damage zone radius up to 15 meters). Grenade
launchers in turn usually represent large belt-fed machine guns with short,
stubby barrels with caliber between 30 and 40mm, mounted on tripods or various
vehicle mounts. Typical rate of fire for automatic grenade launchers ranges from
100 to 400 rounds per minute. Not surprisingly, such weapons can provide
formidable suppressive or target disabling fire against infantry and light
vehicles and structures. Other than anti-personnel, fragmentation ammunition,
many countries also produce armor piercing ammunition for use against enemy's
armored personnel carriers and trucks (typical penetration is about 5 cm / 2
inch of steel armor), dual purpose (fragmentation - AP), short range shrapnel
and other types of rounds.
The most recent trend in development of automatic
grenade launchers is to provide these weapons with computerized sights, that can
measure range to the intended target and provide operator with necessary aiming
information, either for direct or indirect fire. Further development is
concentrated on air-bursting warheads that can be set up automatically to
explode over the heads of enemy personnel ad desired range (also provided
automatically from laser range-finder via computer sight). Several countries
currently are developing such ammunition and fire control units for 40mm weapons
(those include at least Norway, Singapore and USA) and at least one country
develops same concept in smaller 25mm caliber (USA).
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Fallen Comrade - Medic!
I just heard from Kenny that Gunnesch had a heart attack. He is OK, but in the hospital and had stints put in his arteries.
Please give Andy a call on his mobile at 313-308-6697 and cheer him up! (he is on central time).
I spoke to him and he will be out a week or so, but then back on the horse!
I spoke to him and he will be out a week or so, but then back on the horse!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Bad Finger
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Using Smoke for One Shot Kills!
Check out this video my hacker nephew found. It is hilarious.
Hello from Florida! Off to lunch with Kenny tomorrow.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
StrongHarm... weak foot
Question: How can you bring a government trained, lead pumping, brevity talkin', Indian wranglin', wall of lead pumpin' mofo to his knees?
Answer: Plantar Fasciitis
I know many of you are asking, "What the hell is Plantar Fasciitis?". No, this has nothing to do with Peanuts or Mussolini.
=/= Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis (say "PLAN-ter fash-ee-EYE-tus") is the most common cause of heel pain. What does it look like?

This is only a dramatization, this is not StongHarm's actual foot.
How does one deal with PF?
Option 1 - Ask for a "helping hand"

***Careful, this one may tickle. Tee hee hee
Option 2 - Upgrade your shoes

Jimmy likes these shoes.
Option 3 - Tape it up and get your ass back on the battlefield
Answer: Plantar Fasciitis
I know many of you are asking, "What the hell is Plantar Fasciitis?". No, this has nothing to do with Peanuts or Mussolini.
Plantar fasciitis (say "PLAN-ter fash-ee-EYE-tus") is the most common cause of heel pain. What does it look like?
This is only a dramatization, this is not StongHarm's actual foot.
How does one deal with PF?
Option 1 - Ask for a "helping hand"
***Careful, this one may tickle. Tee hee hee
Option 2 - Upgrade your shoes
Jimmy likes these shoes.
Option 3 - Tape it up and get your ass back on the battlefield
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
_mofo Do you know your weapons
Episode 4 by AZsithlord_mofo
blatantly copied from
"Ah the Machine gun, force multiplier, a weapon that can turn one soldier into a squad can suppress the enemy from distance in order for his comrades to advance.
My experience with the military was colored wonderfully by the M60, a monster of a weapon by today's standard. I learned by being the team gunner (we had 3-4 per squad in the MP corps) that this monster could be used from simple suppression to the more complex clearing of buildings (within and without) from full-auto glory to a single shot killer. Good teachers and practice could make it unbelievably accurate, and a good steady position could control an area without equal.
Ah how i miss the "Hog" and the 27 pounds of weapon it was, not counting the 200 to 600 rounds usually on my assistant gunner and myself. (yeah, 1200 rounds of wreckage).
my experience was limited but enjoyable with the M249 SAW. it burned through ammo far to quickly for my tastes, but then you got to carry twice as much when fielding it"
Machine guns
First machine gun was invented in USA by Hiram
Maxim in 1883 and patented two
years later. First wars Maxims' MGs was taken into was colonial war in South
Africa and Russia-Japan war
(1904-1905). During WW 1 all sides used many machineguns, both heavy
(on wheels or tripods) and ligth (on bipods). After WW1 MGs become a standart
issue as a squad weapons for ground and anti-aircraft warfare.
Most widely used MGs were Maxims (in many modifications), Brownings M1919,
Gotchkiss. Between two World Wars first appeared large caliber MGs (as a rule,
its caliber was .50", or 12.7mm). Best examples - Belgian/American Browning M2
and Soviet DShK-12.7. During WW2 Germans developed first mass "universal" MG
(Mg42, later - Mg43), which can be used as a "ligth" MG on bipod or as a "heavy"
one on tripod against ground or air targets. This MGs set the trend, so almost
all modern "medium" MGs such as Belgian MAG, American M60, Russian PKM may be
used on bipod or tripod, as needed.
Today the main role of all MGs is to provide
sustained firepower for troops against enemy troops and unarmored targets. Heavy
(.50/12.7mm) MGs can deal with lightly armored targets such as APCs, recon
vehicles, helicopters.
Almost every infantry squad in the world has at
least one light MG. Russian squad usually equipped with one RPK-74 MG, US Army
squad - with two M249 SAWs. Medium MGs usually are installed on vehicles (APCs,
Jeeps, tanks) and used in infantry on ground mounts on troop and company level.
Heavy MG are sometimes used as anti-aircraft weapons on tanks, main weapons on
APCs and recon veichles and company level support weapons in infantry.
Almost all heavy and medium MGs, and many light
ones, have quick interchangeable barrels. Usually every MG comes from factory
with one or two spare barrels, wich may be changed in battle environment within
seconds. This feature provides ability to sustain intensive fire for longer time
while one barrel is being used, the spare one can be cooled - intensive heating
during the fire can dramatically decrease accuracy and reduce the
lifetime of the barrel.
The feeding systen of almost all medium and heavy
MGs is build around belted (or linked) ammunition. Early belts were made from
textile, modern belts are made from metal. Metal belts may be "disintegrated" or
In the disintegrated belt the metal links are
linked ty each other by the cartridge. When feeding system of the MG removes
cartridge to feed the MG, links fall apart , thus "disintegrate" the
single belt into the links. In non-disintegrated belts links are connected by
the means of special details, and belts remains "one piece" even when all
cartridges are removed. Usual belt capacity for heavy MG is 50-100 rds, for
medium and light ones - 100-250 rds.
Light MG often employs the magazine feeding
system, using the standard 'assault-rifle' style box magazines for 30-45 rounds
each or hi-capacity drum or dual drum (Beta-C and others) magazines for 50-100
rounds each. In light MGs, made from assault rifles, magazines usually
exchangeable between LMG and assault rifle. Good examples are AK and RPK
Russian, Steyr AUG Austrian and L85/L86 British systems. Some light MGs such as
FN Minimi/M249 are dual-feed and can use belts or box magazines without any
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Please vote in the comment section below regarding the discipline actions to be taken on Crash.
Choice 1 - Permanent ban from the Mofo Squad.
Choice 2 - 30 Day ban from Mofo Squad team speak and squad play.
Choice 3 - Apology accepted, you are welcome back to play with us.
Choice 1 - Permanent ban from the Mofo Squad.
Choice 2 - 30 Day ban from Mofo Squad team speak and squad play.
Choice 3 - Apology accepted, you are welcome back to play with us.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
_mofo do you know your weapons
Epsiode 3 by AZsithlord_mofo
info from
Assault rifles
"have had some experiance with Assault weapons, limited from my service time and tagging along with dads coworkers and friends.
M16a1, M16a2, FN-FAL, SKS, M-1 Garand, M14, Mini-14 GB rifle and the civilian version of the SCAR.
All have been fun to shoot, and easy to use with the exception of the FAL, that was a beast to handle and it kicked like a mule... worse than the M60..."
Assault rifles are primary offensive
weapons of modern troops. Today's AR (Assault Rifles) usually have calibers
ranging from 5.45mm to 7.62mm, magazine capacity of 20-30 or more rounds,
selective full auto and single
shot modes of fire, plus, in some models, 2 or 3 round burst mode. Effective
range of fire is some 600 meters or so; effective rate of fire - up to 400-500
rounds per minute in full auto mode. Many assault rifles shown here are, in
fact, parts of whole families of assault firearms (from short carbines to light
machineguns - Steyr AUG is a good example). Almost all AR's may be equipped with
bayonet, optical or Night Vision scope/sight and, some of them, with underbarrel
grenade launcher or rifle grenade launcher (rifle
grenades usually are put on the barrel and fired with a blank cartridge ). Todays trends in AR
design are wide usage of hardened plastics and lightweight alloys and built-in
holographic (collimator) or optical scopes with magnitfication of 1X to 4-6X
(usually 1X or 1.5-3X).
Most of the worlds' recent assault rifles are
designed in bull-pup configuration. This means that buttplate is attached
directly to the receiver and handle with the trigger placed ahead of the
magazine veil. The only major countries that still stick to conventional AR
design are Germany (their latest G36 looks a little bit more 'conservative',
comparing to Austrian AUG or latest Israeli Tavor), and Russia, where latest ARs
are developed in both 'classic' (AN-94, AK-10x) and 'bull-pup' (Groza OC-14)
The history of the concept of the assault rifle
started in the early 1910's, when the famous Russian armorer, col. Fedorov
designed a small-bore selective-fire rifle with detachable box magazine.
Initially, Fedorow designed a brand new small-caliber 6.5mm cartridge for his
rifle, but, due to WW1, switched to the Japanese 6.5mm Arisaka load, which was
less powerful than the Russian 7.62x54R and available in quantity. This rifle
was aquired by the Russian army in small numbers in 1916 and
served (in very limited quantities though) with the Russian and Soviet (Red)
Army up to 1925. While the design of the selective-fire rifle was not unique for
that time, the concept of the "lightened" cartridge, more suitable for full-auto
fire, was new. Also, col.Fedorov invented the idea of infantry weapons families
(assault rifle, light machinegun, medium machinegun, vehicle and/or aircraft
mounted MGs) based on the same actions and receivers.
The next step in this history was made by Germany
- in the 1930's, theybegan research to develop a medium-power cartridge, which
would be much lighter than 7.92mm German and easier to fire accurately in
full-auto mode. This development led to the 7.92x33mm cartridge (Pistolenpatrone
7.92mm). The Germans developed some weapons designs for this load, including the
MP43 and Stg.44, but this was too late for Germany... Further development of
such designs was made by German engineers in Spain, and later in West Germany,
and led to the HK G3/G41 family of battle&assault rifles.
The United States also put in some effort to this
idea, and before WW2 developed a special less-than-medium powered cartridge
.30Carbine and a rifle for this cartridge - a so-called "baby-Garand" in
semi-auto M1 and selective-fire M2.
But the largest stride forward was made by the
USSR, when, in 1943, the Soviet Army adopted a new cartridge - the 7.62x39mm
medium-power load. In 1945 , the Soviet Army adopted the semi-auto SKS rifle in
this chambering, and, in 1947 - the AK (known for the West as AK-47). The AK was
Worlds' first sucessful assault rifle, and one of the most widely used. The Last
major step on this road was made by US again - in the late 1950's, the US Army
adopted a new (for the US) concept of military selective-fire rifle using a
small-caliber cartridge. The first of such weapons adopted was the Armalite
AR15/Colt M16, designed by Eugene Stoner. This adoption lately set the new world
trend for small-caliber (5.45-5.56mm / .22in.) high-velocity cartridges.
All further research and development, such as
caseless ammunition, multiple-bullet or sabot cartridges, etc., still haven't
produced any practical results.
"_mofo let me know if you all have any requests for coverage on the next episode"
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